Biryani with chicken

Biryani which is a spicy pilaf. It can be vegetarian or with the addition of meat, seafood and poultry. This is the option we are preparing today.But it is always tasty, satisfying, beautiful, fragrant and oriental exquisite.I a favorite version of biriani.
The main ingredient in the recipe is not rice and not chicken, but masala - a mixture of spices, which makes the dish special. You can buy it or make it yourself; I will describe the composition below.


  • Chicken (whole or drumsticks, thighs) 800 g
  • long grain rice 2.5 tbsp. 250 ml
  • onion 2 heads
  • fresh ginger 3 cm
  • chili pepper to taste
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • tomato paste1 tbsp. l
  • natural yogurt 100 g
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l
  • butter50 g
  • garam masala 1 tbsp. l

Calorie recipe
"Biryani with chicken" per 100 g
Kcal PROTEINS  10.28
Of course, this is only one of the options for preparing biryani, because there are many recipes for this dish. This version is very high in calories due to the presence of butter. But you can’t get anywhere, this is the recipe, and it is clearly not for losing weight.


Step 1: marinate the meat
In a deep glass dish in which we will marinate the chicken, mix the necessary ingredients: natural yogurt, tomato paste, olive oil. You can replace the paste with tomatoes in your own juice. Peel the ginger root and chop finely, peeled the garlic through a press, finely chop the chili. Add salt and ready-made masala mixture. If there is no ready-made seasoning, combine ground coriander, cumin, bay leaf, black pepper, chili pepper, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom and fennel.

cooking marinade

Mix everything well, resulting in a thick aromatic mixture. Now let's get meat. You can use the whole chicken, chopping it into portions. Thighs or lower legs are also suitable. We wash the meat and dry it with excess napkins. Put it in the marinade and mix so that all the chicken is covered with it. Cover the ingredients with cling film or a lid and leave for 4 hours, you can overnight.

pickle meat

Step 2: Fry the Onion and Chicken
When the meat is marinated and saturated with the aromas of spices, peel and cut the onions into a quarter of a ring.

chop the onion

Melt a piece of butter and sprinkle onion into it. Ideally, you can use ghee ghee, but in a pinch, butter is also suitable.

fry onions

When the onion is podzolotil, lay the chicken on top with the marinade.

add chicken

Fry it until golden brown over medium heat, then flip it to the other side.

stew chicken

Step 3: Add Rice and Water
When the legs are almost ready, add to them washed basmati rice.

add rice

We heat the water and pour it into the pan so that the rice is completely covered with it. Add some salt.

add water

Cover the dishes tightly with a lid. Put a towel on top so that all the steam remains inside. We will stew the biryani until the rice is ready. It takes about 20 minutes. Stirring or opening the lid during cooking is not recommended.

simmer until ready

Step 4: Submission
Biryani will be served immediately after cooking, garnished with parsley or cilantro.
